
General Medicine


Welcome to B & J Hospital's Department of Internal Medicine, where we offer comprehensive medical services, including Indoor, OPD, and Intensive care facilities to cater to the diverse needs of patients. Our skilled General Medicine doctors, also known as physicians, diagnose and treat various diseases affecting internal organs. Whether you are experiencing pain or symptoms without a clear diagnosis, our experienced doctors are here to assist you. They will conduct a thorough examination, evaluate your symptoms, and provide suitable treatment or refer you to a specialist for further investigation.

When should I consult a general medicine doctor?

When should I consult a general medicine doctor?

If you are experiencing any of the following severe symptoms, it is advisable to visit a general medicine doctor at B & J Hospital:

  • A severe cold and cough lasting more than two weeks, accompanied by fever, shortness of breath, and congestion.
  • A persistent fever with a temperature over 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Severe pains in different body parts, such as the chest, abdomen, or pelvis, could indicate potentially severe conditions like a heart attack or gallstones.
  • Persistent lack of energy and regular fatigue may be associated with conditions like anemia or thyroid disorders.

For more information and medical assistance, please don't hesitate to contact B & J Hospital in Navi Mumbai, Department of Internal Medicine. Our skilled General Medicine doctors are here to provide you the care and attention you need.

Request an appointment at B & J Hospital.

Call 022-27432020 to book an appointment.

What does general examination include?

During a general medical examination, the doctor may check the following:

Vital Signs:

  • Are your blood pressure and heart rate within normal range?
  • What is your body temperature?
  • How is your respiratory rate?

Physical Appearance:

  • Any noticeable weight changes since your last visit?
  • Is there any visible swelling or abnormal skin conditions?

Head and Neck:

  • Are your eyes and vision healthy?
  • Any issues with your ears, nose, or throat?
  • Are there any swollen lymph nodes?

Heart and Lungs:

  • Is your heart rhythm normal, and are there any abnormal sounds?
  • How are your lung sounds, and is there any difficulty breathing?

Abdominal Examination:

  • Any tenderness or pain in the abdomen?
  • Are there any enlarged organs or masses?

Neurological Examination:

  • Is your coordination and balance normal?
  • Are your reflexes and sensory responses appropriate?

Musculoskeletal Examination:

  • Any joint stiffness or discomfort?
  • Are there any limitations in your range of motion?

Skin Examination:

  • Any unusual moles, rashes, or lesions?

Review of Systems:

  • Are there any other specific symptoms or concerns you want to address?

Medical History:

  • Any changes in medical history or medications since your last visit?

Remember, a general medical exam is comprehensive and may vary depending on your age, medical history, and specific health concerns. The doctor will tailor the examination to address your individual needs.

What is included in a general body check-up?

What is included in a general body check-up?

During a general check-up, you can expect the following:

  • Full-body physical examination: The doctor will look for any unusual growths or anomalies, assess the location, consistency, size, and tenderness of internal organs, and use a stethoscope to listen to your heart, lungs, and intestines.
  • Percussion: The doctor may use percussion techniques to detect abnormal fluid retention in the body.
  • Pap smear (for women aged 21 to 65): Women in this age group may undergo a Pap smear as part of the check-up.
  • Additional tests: Depending on your age, current health status, and health risks, the doctor may recommend other specific tests.

After the tests, the doctor will discuss the findings and results with you. If necessary, they may suggest further tests. Treatment options, including medications and lifestyle changes, will be recommended based on the check-up results.


General medicine, also known as internal medicine, deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases affecting internal organs and overall health.

You should visit a general medicine doctor for routine check-ups, unexplained symptoms, chronic medical conditions, and any new health concerns.

During a general check-up, the doctor will conduct a full-body physical examination, listen to your heart and lungs, perform percussion tests, and may recommend additional tests based on your age and health status.

You don't usually need a referral to see a general medicine doctor. You can schedule an appointment directly.

General medicine provides preventive care through routine screenings, vaccinations, lifestyle advice, and managing risk factors for various diseases.

Yes, general medicine doctors are trained to manage and treat various chronic medical conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and more.

The frequency of check-ups may vary based on age, health status, and risk factors. It's generally recommended to have an annual check-up, but your doctor may suggest a different schedule.

Bring your identification, insurance information, medical records or test results, and a list of medications you currently take.

Yes, general medicine doctors can prescribe medications to treat various medical conditions and manage symptoms.

You can find a general medicine doctor near you by searching online, using healthcare provider directories, or contacting your local hospital or clinic.

For further details and medical support, contact the Department of General Medicine at B & J Hospital in Navi Mumbai. Our proficient General Medicine doctors are dedicated to offering the utmost care and attention to your health needs. To schedule an appointment, please call 022-27432020.

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